If a person plays dissonance long enough, it will sound like consonance. It’s a language that was alien and then it’s less and less alien as it continues to live.
Keith Jarrett
This site was born with the intention of collecting all the crumbs left around by Keith Jarrett a pianist that I admire so much, for his pantheistic and spiritual vision of music. I started to realize how many informations there were on line about him and how fragmented they were more than 20 years ago. So i started to follow tracks, and collecting every little bit i could to build this database. I thought that having all this material, I could combine some of the things I develop in my work with this great passion. Numbers and art are deeply linked, yin and yang , where there is art there is often mathematics and mathematics is also an art form. Maybe destiny drove me to finish this analysis that began years ago with the search for the necessary data, precisely in the days of the death of Gary Peacock , making this work a true tribute to the epic and monumental work of research and passion carried out by the trio.
This work is based on several lists i found on the web Olivier Bruchez, Davide Sparti, Peter Losin, Arnulf Muller, Maurizio Garbolino and many others. This is just a draft version of the db, many new feature will be released soon. If you see any errror or just want informations drop an email to fabio.castronuovo@gmail.com
This website has a full session list for Keith Jarrett Venues, starting from the very first concert in 1952 to the last documented concert in Carnegie Hall in 2017. More than 65 years of music, a truly monument to music history, i think one of the most important travels into American Jazz Music.
Jarrett music production is deeply linked with live performance, the vast majority of his discography came from a live concert, so i have decided also to mantain an official discography starting from this live sessions. Of course having such a database allows to browse this knowledge in order to build different views. So i will try to add more paths in order to allow a more extensive browsing from a data analytical point of view, but also with a musical sensibility and with true and deep love for what these musicians gave me during my life.
Fabio Castronuovo Pisa Italy 5 september 2020
Latest News
Keith Jarrett confronts a future without piano
Added an interview from Norwegian TV 1969
Budapest concert out 30 October 2020
Keith Jarrett musical network
Composers Analysis
Standards Trio setlist relationships and analysis